NYS Smoke detector law going into effect

Homeowners & landlords will soon need to swap out their smoke detectors for upgraded 10-year sealed models, thanks to a new New York State law going into effect this year.

The law says that starting April 1, 2019 all new or replacement smoke detectors in New York State must be powered by a 10-year, sealed, non-removable battery or hardwired to the home.

Homeowners & landlords must upgrade their smoke detectors before selling or renting homes and apartments in New York State.

The upgraded smoke detector alarms include a sealed lithium battery with a 10-year lifespan.

While these 10-year smoke detectors have a larger upfront cost than traditional alarms powered by replaceable batteries, the lack of yearly battery changes makes them cheaper over the life of the device.

 Like all safety alarms, 10-year sealed smoke alarms should still be tested at least once each year using the button on the front of the unit to ensure they are working properly.
